Albert Bichot Mersault 750ML
Meursault is the silk-clad Prince Charming of Burgundy; it is an idyllic village, known to wine lovers everywhere for the town hall's multi-coloured tiled roof, that makes wines of mesmeric complexity and texture.
Romping in on a statuesque steed, it gathers you up to its creamy depths before beguiling you with white peach, toasted almonds and bursting into a zippy, lemon-fuelled gallop. You'll be left transported and breathless.
The Bichot family, which has been established in Burgundy since 1350, and has been making wine since the 19th century, owns estates across the region and has been named both the Red Winemaker of the year (in 2004) and White Winemaker of the Year (in 2011) by the International Wine Challenge (IWC). Albéric Bichot, who took over in 1996, is the sixth generation of Bichots to run the House.
Romping in on a statuesque steed, it gathers you up to its creamy depths before beguiling you with white peach, toasted almonds and bursting into a zippy, lemon-fuelled gallop. You'll be left transported and breathless.
The Bichot family, which has been established in Burgundy since 1350, and has been making wine since the 19th century, owns estates across the region and has been named both the Red Winemaker of the year (in 2004) and White Winemaker of the Year (in 2011) by the International Wine Challenge (IWC). Albéric Bichot, who took over in 1996, is the sixth generation of Bichots to run the House.